
Fatema Tuz Zohora

Associate Professor (Accounting ) & Coordinator of BBA,
+88 01915-643851
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Business and Economics
Department of Business Administration

Degrees and Universities Attended

1.  MBA  (Major  in  Accounting),  2014.  American  International  University-  Bangladesh  (AIUB)

2.  BBA  (Major  in  Accounting  &  Finance  [1st  Major]  &  Economics  [2nd  Major]),  2012.    American  International  University-  Bangladesh  (AIUB)  

3.  Higher  Secondary  Certificate  (HSC),  2007.    Viquarunnisa  Noon  College,  Business  Studies,  Dhaka  Board.

4.  Secondary  School  Certificate  (SSC),  2005.  Ideal  School  &  College  Motijheel,  Dhaka,  Business  Studies,  Dhaka  Board.

Short Introduction

Fatema Tuz Zohora is a Bangladeshi born and started her journey as a faculty member of City University, Bangladesh since 2014 under the Department of Business Administration. Currently she is working as a Assistant Professor & Coordinator of the program. She earned her MBA in Accounting and BBA in Accounting & Finance (1st Major) & Economics (2nd Major) from American International University- Bangladesh (AIUB). She also achieved Magna cum Laude award for her outstanding academic result.

Teaching experience

Assistant  Professor  (Accounting),  City  University,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh,  1st  April,  2019  –  Continue.

Lecturer  (Accounting),  City  University,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh,  15th  November,  2014  –  31st  March,  2019.

Research Interest

1.  Taxation
2.  Auditing
3.  Accounting  Standards
4.  Financial  Reporting
5.  Cost  Management
6.  VAT
7.  Nonprofit  &  Government  Accounting


1.  Mihir  Kumar  Roy,  Md.  Shakil,  Fatema  Tuz  Zohora  (2021).Comparative  Performance  Evaluation  using  CAMEL  Rating  Specially  of  Some  Selected  Private  Commercial  Banks  in  Bangladesh.  International  Journal  of  Advanced  Research  in  Engineering&  Management  (IJAREM)  ISSN:  2456-2033  ||  Vol.  07,  Issue  07,  PP.  01-22.

2.  Mihir  Kumar  Roy,  Shahriar  Parvez,  Fatema  Tuz  Zohora,  Ratna  Akter  (2019).  A  relational  study  on  satisfaction,  loyalty,  switching  cost  &  word  of  mouth:  “A  study  of  Islamic  Bank  in  Bangladesh”  Bangladesh  Journal  of  Political  Economy,  Vol.35,  No.1,  June  2019,  PP.519-540.

3.  Mihir  Kumar  Roy,  Fatema  Tuz  Zohora,  Mahabuba  Jannat  (2018).  Customer  loyalty  in  Social  Islami  Bank  Ltd:  “An  empirical  analysis  on  Saver  branch”,  ASA  University  review  volume  12  no.  1  (22nd  issue),  January-June  2018.

4.  Mihir  Kumar  Roy,  Shahriar  Parvez,  Fatema  Tuz  Zohora,  Faruk  Hossain  (2018).  “Poverty  eradication  &  ethics  relational  study  on  service  quality,  customer  behavioral  intention  &  customer  loyalty:  a  study  on  Grameen  Bank”  Bangladesh  Journal  of  Political  Economy,  Vol.  34,  No.  1,  June  2018,  pp.  373-394.

5.  Md.  Shohidul  Islam,  Murshedul  Arafin  &  Fatema  Tuz  Zohora  (2017).  Factors  affecting  share  price  of  cement  industry:  “a  study  on  listed  cement  companies  of  DSE”.  European  Journal  of  Business,  Economics  and  Accountancy,  5  (6),  48-66.

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Magna  Cum  Laude  award  for  Excellent  Result  in  MBA