Faculty of Business and Economics
Department of Business Administration
M.Phil (Second Part Continuing) Islamic University-Kushtia, Bangladesh
MBA: American International University- Bangladesh (AIUB), Major in Human Resource Management, CGPA-4.00 out of 4.00, September 2013
BBA: American International University- Bangladesh. (AIUB), Major in Finance and Accounting, CGPA- 3.80 out of 4.00, October 2008
1. Global HR and its implications
2. Human resource planning and forecasting
3. Traditional sports of Bangladesh
4. Developing entrepreneurship
1. MD. RAHAT KHAN, MIHIR KUMAR ROY, SABBIR HASSAN CHOWDHURY (20XX). The Impact of Work-Family Balance on Manufacturing Employees’ Mental Health during Pandemic. OrganizatsionnayaPsikologiya (Organizational Psychology), (Accepted manuscript). (Indexed in SCOPUS Q4, SJR Q4, WoS/ESCI, EBSCO, including more Indexing)
2. SABBIR HASSAN CHOWDHURY, (2015). “The necessities of HR practices in the RMG sector Of Bangladesh”; Asian Business Consortium; Volume 4, No 1/2015, ISSN 2305-9168(p); 2307-9592(e) Link: https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/64805/1/MPRA_paper_64805.
3. SABBIR HASSAN CHOWDHURY, (2015).“Evaluating the impact of insurance companies in the development of insurance practices in Bangladesh”; scholar journal of business and social science, Volume 1, No. 1(2015), ISSN : 2412-2777;37-42.
4. SABBIR HASSAN CHOWDHURY, (2016).‘’Consequences on natural calamities on GDP growth rate of Bangladesh’’; scholar journal of research review, Volume 1, No. 1(2016) 1-8, ISSN: 2413-0907; Link: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2765018
5. SANJOY KUMAR ROY, SABBIR HASSAN CHOWDHURY,MURSHEDUL ARAFIN AND SIFAT SIDDIQUEE, (2019). Green HR practices and its impact on employee work satisfaction - A case study on IBBL, Bangladesh.International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume III, Issue III, March 2019|ISSN 2454-6186
6. SANJOY KUMAR ROY, SABBIR HASSAN CHOWDHURY, BIPUL KUMAR SARKER AND SIFAT SIDDIQUEE, (2020). “Socioeconomic Status of Hijra (Third Gender) Community At Dhaka City In Bangladesh: A Descriptive Study; the American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Researches, Link: www.theajhssr.com
7. Roy, Sanjoy Kumar; Chowdhury, Sabbir Hassan; Islam, Saiful; Siddique, Sifat (2021). Socio-economic status of the street garment vendors: A descriptive study in the context of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. ASIAN JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS RESEARCH VOL. 2, ISSUE 2, PP. 95-116 (ISSN: 2706-8471)